Lights, Camera, ACTION!

We are all casted in a big motion picture.  A motion picture called ‘Life.’  The script started the year we were born and is in ongoing development.  The main characters, extras, producer, screen writer, stunt men/women, wardrobe/makeup and location all keep changing.  WHY?  Because life keeps changing.

Nothing is the same as it began.  The books we read, the people we meet, the personal and professional paths we take and the dreams we dreamt all change as our situation change.  Now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with change, if the change is good.  Too much time is invested in keeping things the same or making it like it used to be rather than embracing your new circumstance.

As I entered a new scene in my script someone told me that it has come to a point that I needed to decide if I was going to continue to be an extra in someone else’s movie or was I ready to become the director.  The star of the show!  I didn’t quite understand what they meant by that statement until the economy began to take a downward spiral and many Americans were losing their jobs.  Many lost more than a job.  They lost a career.  They worked so hard as an ‘extra’ that when the director began to edit the movie, their scene got CUT!  Now they are scrambling for auditions as an extra in another person’s movie.

See being an extra is not fun when you find out all the work you put into that scene and it never made it to the big screen. That is the story line of so many of us today and it is not going to get any better.  We all have come to a crossroad and have a decision that we must make:  Will I continue to be an extra in someone else’s movie or become the director/star of my own?

To Your Success



There is a misconception of the purpose of networking events.  Many believe networking events are only intended for business owners to get referrals and leads.  Although some networking events are structured just for that purpose many are not.   Truth is networking events are nothing but social events.  Most include a speaker and all have lots of business card exchanging.  That does not mean you have to have a business  to attend.  It is just a great way to meet new people.

Networking events are such positive, high energy environments.  Filled with motivated individuals with a common goal:  SUCCESS!  The speakers set the tone.  They tell their story as to how they got started and what keeps them going.  They get you to thinking about your situation, your business and how you can take things to the next level.  Speakers are there to motivate, inspire, educate and encourage.  The speakers are never the same which keeps the events from being mundane.

Some events are fun because there are different “ice breaker” games played to get you talking to people you do not know!  Teaching you how to “work the room” per say and if you are a shy person it gets you out of your comfort zone.  I remember one event I attended and the game was like a bingo board.  You had to go around the room and find and talk to people that fit the descriptions in the box.  If you filled the box up by the end of the night you received a prize.  Kind of like speed dating!

The exciting part about networking is you never know who you are going to meet and connect with!  It may be someone there that has a business in something you have always dreamed of doing that could help you do the same; someone that could help one of YOUR friends with a dream or passion they have been struggling with or even your future employer!  So GET UP, GET OUT and MEET SOMEONE!  Attend the next networking event in your area.  Most events are free.  Expand your circle of friends or associates.  Build your contacts!  That’s what networking is all about!

Trakelia~To Your Success!

What’s Holding YOU Back?

Let’s go back to when you were a child.  What did you want to be when you grew up?  Are you living that dream today?  Majority of the people reading this will answer no.  We all have dreamed of being financially free.  A dream that only 3% of the U.S. has brought into reality.  So what’s holding the other 97% back? 

FEAR of failure:  Many of us are afraid of failure so it is easier to just stay in our “comfort zone.” Afraid that all the hard work will be for nothing.  You work hard day in and day out just to receive little or no results.


FEAR of success:  This may sound hard to believe but there are some people that are afraid of success.  Afraid of the things that success can bring: money, status, sense of accomplishment.

Whatever your fear may be it should not be the determining factor of your reality.  The best way to overcome fear is to actually FACE IT!  How bad do you want success?

Les Brown said it best!  “If you are not willing to risk.  You cannot grow!”

Success does not have to be a fairy tale.  You can be in the 3% not the 97%.  So now what’s holding YOU back?

When is enough ENOUGH?

I used to say it all the time, “I’ve had enough of this” and “I’ve had enough of that” but the real question was:  Have I really?  I was once told that I will know when I’m sick and tired of something because I will no longer comment on the situation I will begin to take action in changing it.  Does that still ring true?

We are all sick and tired of the declining economy, the uncertainty of employment status and the blaming of one president’s doing over the next.  But what are we actually DOING about it?  NOTHING!  Absolutely NOTHING!  The reason being is this, it is so much easier to blame the next person or event rather than taking FULL responsibility for our own situation and acutally doing something to change it.  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  Which translates to complaining will get you NOWHERE unless you action to change your situation rather it be financial, personal, spiritual, etc.

Whatever it is YOU yes YOU have to decided when you have had enough and then do the inevitable.  TAKE ACTION!  You cannot sit back and wait on your fairy godmother to come and waive her magic wand and make all your problems disappear.  I regret to inform you that its just not going to happen not now, not ever. 

Now ask yourself “have I had enough?”  If your answer is yes then first thing first open your mind.  You have to be open to new ideas and new challenges.  Remember that the most expensive thing you can own is a closed mind and with the way the economy is looking right now you can’t afford one of those!  Before you completely cancel the thought of something new do your due diligence (research) on that topic or idea and weigh the pros and cons.

Make the vow to take control of your destiny.  Everybody’s life story has an ending.  What will yours be?  Will you be the author or the extra?  Enough is ENOUGH!  Now do something about it!